Does Enterprise SEO Belong in Product or Marketing? — Billy Watts //

Billy Watts, Senior SEO Strategist at, talks about where enterprise SEO belongs in the organization. While it’s more common for SEO to be integrated into the marketing department in an organization, has integrated their SEO and product teams. Similar to, many other large websites have been trending toward integrating SEO with product teams. Today, Billy discusses whether SEO at the enterprise level belongs in the marketing or the product org.
About the speaker

Billy Watts

 is a little camera shy

Billy is Senior SEO Strategist at

  • Part 1 Does Enterprise SEO Belong in Product or Marketing? — Billy Watts //

Show Notes

  • 02:44
    Enterprise SEO vs small business SEO
    Enterprise SEO teams are larger with more specialized skills, and people are able to focus on specific areas. Mid-size and small business SEOs tend to have to have many roles.
  • 07:05
    How marketing and SEO can work together
    When marketing is promoting pages, its important to make those pages valuable for SEO as well. On the QA end, SEO can highlight problems before campaign launches.
  • 11:13
    Advantages of SEO sitting under the marketing org
    When companies depend on organic growth content, its advantageous to partner SEO with content marketing. Your paid search team also works well as a partner in the marketing org.
  • 12:23
    Disadvantages of SEO sitting under the marketing org
    SEOs resource needs may not be prioritized over marketings needs. Marketing may also end up building siloed experiences that dont integrate with the rest of the website and the product.
  • 15:47
    Advantages of SEO sitting under the product org
    There's more of an understanding of the value of SEO on a product team. And, better resource allocation takes place. Product leadership is generally better prepared to measure SEO impact.
  • 18:55
    Disadvantages of SEO sitting under the product org
    SEO may find it harder to influence content creation. Sometimes, product and SEO teams are focused on different KPIs and product teams dont accommodate all of the SEO tools needed.
  • 20:46
    Homes.coms integration of their SEO and product teams aggregates real estate listings and those listings need to be optimized for SEO. So, SEO needs to be close to the product team to ensure involvement in design and development.
  • 23:47
    Enterprise SEO and refined processes
    Having a good process makes a big difference when it comes to collaboration. It takes good planning and multiple hallmarks of enterprise SEO because of the structure and dedicated teams.
  • 25:56
    Recommendations for transitioning into enterprise SEO
    Learn how to segment a website into page types and then how these interact with each other. Get experience with site migrations and get to know your partners in development.
  • 32:12
    Available positions on Homes.coms expanding SEO team will be bringing on an SEO analyst and an SEO strategist. You'll be able to work closely with development teams building new SEO solutions.


  • "At the enterprise level, you have larger teams with more specialized skills. In general, you're going to find more people wearing less hats. And that helps people focus on doing their best work." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "Often, the enterprise has a portfolio of websites, and you can interlink between these. The network effect is very powerful for SEO. And out of all this, you get more data and scalable linking." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "One of the biggest wins you can get is a lead gen revenue generating landing page that works for an SEM campaign, but also ranks well in search engines. That's just pure gold." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "If you can create a tight knit partnership with SEO and content marketing that works well, that can be helpful in a marketing org." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "I've seen marketing teams say, we'll hire our own developers, and marketing spaces get built off in this little bubble, not well integrated into the rest of the website and the product." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "Product leadership is more aware of SEO and better prepared to measure the impact of SEO. I've seen some teams on the marketing side struggle with measuring SEO." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "Sometimes product teams focus on one KPI to the detriment of others. If they decided their primary focus was conversion rate on their site, that could be detrimental to organic traffic growth." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "If I was on the marketing team, I wouldn't be able to have as many conversations with design and development about how to do this." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "If you're an SEO at a company with a small site, come up with ways to scale that. It doesn't have to be tens of thousands of pages. Let's try to get it to thousands of pages." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "For large site SEO, learn how to segment a website into page types, and then how these interact with each other. Because, when a site gets so big, you cannot just look at it one page by one page." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "You learn a lot about how Google values and ranks pages when you start moving stuff around. And you learn a lot about SEO to do site migrations." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • "Get to know your partners in development, analytics, content, etc. Everybody can be your partner. Get a 15-30 minute conversation going, get to know them." -Billy Watts, Sr SEO Strategist,

  • Part 1 Does Enterprise SEO Belong in Product or Marketing? — Billy Watts //
About the speaker

Billy Watts

 is a little camera shy

Billy is Senior SEO Strategist at

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    Part 1Does Enterprise SEO Belong in Product or Marketing? — Billy Watts //

    Billy Watts, Senior SEO Strategist at, talks about where enterprise SEO belongs in the organization. While it’s more common for SEO to be integrated into the marketing department in an organization, has integrated their SEO and product teams. Similar to, many other large websites have been trending toward integrating SEO with product teams. Today, Billy discusses whether SEO at the enterprise level belongs in the marketing or the product org.